Online Poker Rules

Online poker is a great way to make money playing the game you love. It’s not as taxing on your computer’s processing power as you might think and there are a lot of options for depositing and withdrawing money.

The best sites have plenty of action all the time. They also offer rakeback, which earns players bonus points.

Game rules

Online poker rules differ from those of live poker, but both help to ensure the quality of play for all players. Some of the most important online poker rules include: etiquette, betting intervals, and limits. These rules affect the overall experience of the game, and are especially important for beginners.

In fixed-limit games, the amount you can bet is set by a minimum and maximum amount. Often, the upper limit doubles for later betting rounds. If you’re not sure about the rules of your particular game, look for a poker rule book or check out the rules page for your specific poker variant.

It’s also important not to yell at other players or reveal your hand. This can hurt their psyche and make them more prone to tilt. It could also give opponents valuable information, such as what cards you mucked. This kind of behavior is considered rude and against poker etiquette. It can also ruin the experience for others and cause the game to be less fun.

Betting intervals

Betting intervals are the periods during which players have an opportunity to place chips into a central area called the pot, pool or kitty. They allow the player to bet on their hand, which is what Poker is really about – minimizing losses with poor hands and maximizing wins with good ones.

Each betting interval starts with one player making a contribution to the pot, which is known as the “ante.” Players can call that bet by putting the same amount of chips into the pot, or raise it by putting in more than the previous bettor. Players who cannot match the bet are said to “drop” and forfeit their chips in the pot.

Tight aggressive players, also known as TAGs, are the most common player type in online poker. These players are extremely tight with their stacks and play only the best starting hands. They over-fold to aggression and are extremely profitable in the long run.


Limits are an important aspect of poker and affect how much you can bet and how often you can raise your bet. Some players prefer limit games, which tend to be more predictable and offer less bluffing opportunities. Other players like no-limit games, which allow you to bet whatever you want and are often more exciting and profitable.

Many poker players choose to play multiple tables simultaneously in order to increase their earnings. This can also reduce their risk of losing their bankroll and help them find a better game. However, it is important to avoid making reckless decisions or chasing losses.

Beginners should try Limit Hold’em before attempting No-Limit. Limit games are easier to understand and can help beginners learn basic pot odds and math. They will also help you avoid the crazy players that can be found in NLHE games. Additionally, it is a great way to practice your game without spending too much time at the tables.


Online poker etiquette is a set of unwritten rules that you should follow to improve your game and create a positive atmosphere at the table. These rules include avoiding distractions and acting in a timely manner to avoid slowing down the game. It is also important to respect your opponents and avoid derogatory language and negative comments.

Be Polite – It is never good form to berate an opponent when they make a bad move. This type of behavior is a sign of poor poker etiquette and can ruin the atmosphere at the table.

Don’t Multitask – Using the chat feature to discuss other hands, your day at work, or anything else is distracting and annoying to your opponents. If your opponents are being obnoxious, most poker clients allow you to mute them. You should also avoid discussing strategy in the chat box while playing or revealing what you folded in a hand. This is known as angle shooting and is highly frowned upon by the poker community.